
Mara Colson's "A Life Creative" Jewelry Our daughter, Mara, is taking the

Our daughter, Mara, is taking the first steps into her journey of owning her own business. She's making her first appearance at a craft show on Saturday, September 28. I'll be updating this blog post after the show with her leftover inventory and how you can order online.

What inspires me Recently on Threads, another user asked me what inspired

Recently on Threads, another user asked me what inspired me. Here was my answer:

Short answer: my wife and kids.

Long answer: I’ve always loved to write and deep down wanted to publish a novel. Both kids began working on their own stories during lockdown.

I created a tabletop RPG for my family to play together. The lore grew and evolved, and my wife encouraged me to turn it into a book. With that spark from my kids’ writings, I began working on the prologue.

5 months later I finished draft one of...

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